The purpose of this grant is to support our business members subject to the additional 2 year delay of the Broadway Line. We are encouraging businesses to come up with creative and innovative ways to grow and create new business during this time of adversity caused by the extra 2 year delay. This will be an ongoing process with multiple rounds of application review. Each round will allow us to carefully consider all submissions and ensure comprehensive support for the Broadway businesses. 

  • Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis, until grant fund is exhausted.
  • In the application, please express why the grant is needed as a result of the hardship caused by the Broadway Line construction delays.
  • Businesses will be reimbursed for their eligible expenses after submission and approval.
  • The maximum grant amount is $5,000 towards expenditures inclusive of taxes.
  • If the sum of the costs is less than $5,000, then the member may only receive the lower amount.
  • Costs incurred starting from December 1st, 2024, are eligible for reimbursement under this grant.
  • Please be advised that only invoices originating from suppliers and sellers will be accepted. We kindly request your strict adherence to this policy to ensure smooth and efficient processing.
  • You must read and accept the conditions before we provide you on approval of your grant.
  • If you have submitted applications that include false or misleading statements you will then be responsible for paying all of your expenditures.
  • Eligible businesses must be located in the area marked on the map below.


Ideas For Using The Grant:

  • Adapting to an Online Model/ Using Ecommerce/Etrade
  • Improved Entrance Accessibility
  • New Signage
  • Marketing (Social Media Ads, SEO Marketing)


The Grant Can Not be Used For:

  • Interior furnishing or renovations
  • Staff or owner salaries, wages or expenses
  • Purchases or expenditures made before Dec. 1st, 2024
  • Security monitoring or patrol services
  • Repayments of loans, debts or outstanding invoices
  • Insurance


Eligibility Criteria AND Geographic Focus:

  • Geographical Center: The main area of focus is Broadway, spanning from Alberta Street to Kingsway.
  • Adjacent Streets: Businesses on Manitoba, Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec Streets are also eligible.
  • Proximity Requirement: Eligible businesses must be directly adjacent to Broadway and be a MPBIA member.

Click icon below to see the eligibility map.


You are eligible if:

  • Your business is located in the area marked on the previous page.
  • You have a valid business license.
  • You are the owner or tenant of a business or property, renting or owning a Class 5 or Class 6 commercial space.
  • You are a valid MPBIA member