Mosaic’s Career and Job Fair 2017 at the Croatian Cultural Centre

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Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017Time: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
*Free Admission*

Meet with over 60 employers and recruiters in business, IT, hospitality, trades, healthcare, and retail.

The following information is from surveys conducted with the companies who participated in MOSAIC’s 2016 Job and Career Fair:

  • 85% had current job openings they were hoping to fill
  • 27% were following up with 20-40 candidates they met at the event
  • 38.5% were following up with 11-20 candidates they met at the event
  • 35% were following up with 1-10 candidates they met at the event

For more information and to register for free workshops, please visit

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