Love is… Rewarding! Instagram Contest

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Love is… Rewarding!

Win $100 in our Instagram Contest!

When you visit a Mount Pleasant businesses with a Love Is… poster
just follow the instructions on it for a chance to win a $100 Gift Card! 

Snap a selfie beside it, tag it with the hashtags in the heart and
follow @MountpleasantBIA along with their businesses Instagram. 

Enjoy the sentiment and click on the businesses’ poster to find out more about them

2528 Main Street

3138 Main Street

144 East Broadway

2535 Main Street

327 East Broadway

2616 Main Street

2490 Main Street

129 E 8th Ave

151 East Broadway

2404 Main Street

120 E Broadway

32 East Broadway

2928 Main St

3030 Main Street

164 E 11th Ave

2408 Main Street


PART 2: #VanKiss #Mymountpleasant is happening in Mount Pleasant!

Double down on the prizing potential when you stop under a #VanKiss
heart at the locations below. Another Chance to win a $100 Gift Card!

Click on the #VanKiss image above for locations

The #VanKiss elves have let us keep the locations going for everyone to show their Valentine’s love,
so s
nap a lovey dovey pic under the Love Hearts,
tag your photos with #Vankiss #mymountpleasant and
follow @MountpleasantBIA for a chance to win a $100 Gift Card!
Be sure to make your pic public or we’ll never find you to give you your prize. 

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