Just Off Main!

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Join us for a one-day event full of fun & FREE activities celebrating local businesses in Mount Pleasant on Saturday, August 14th from 11am to 5pm!

After over a year of event restrictions, the Mount Pleasant Business Association and local businesses have come together to host the first annual Just Off Main event! An outdoor celebration featuring live music, local vendors, fun activities, food & drink and more!

As part of the event, various side streets off of Main St. will be closed (Main St. to remain open) to vehicular traffic on Saturday August 14th. Those locations are as follows:

ZONE 1: E.7th -EAST- from Main St. to Scotia St.

ZONE 2: E.8th -WEST- from Main St. to the alley before Québec St.

ZONE 3: E.11th -EAST- from Main St. to Watson St.

ZONE 4 A: E.11th -WEST- from Main St. to alley before Québec St.

ZONE 4 B: E.11th -WEST- from the alley to Québec St.

  • Rollerskating w/ Roller Girl! Bring your own skates* and dance to tunes!

ZONE 5: The public plaza at E.14th & Main St.

  • Expect live music and cotton candy!

ZONE 6: E.17th -EAST- from Main St. to Watson St.

BONUS locations include:


All ages are welcome* to come down for the day and wander up and down Main St. and support local businesses and take part in the community fun!

**With the exception of the specified alcohol drinking areas that are 19+.

Check out our Instagram for more info. See you on Saturday, August 14th!


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